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SHA Magazine Natural Therapies

8 Natural Tips to calm anxiety

SHA Wellness Clinic
October 15, 2015

Today we bring you some natural tips to calm anxiety. They are really easy to implement and will for sure help you fight stress and anxiety on a natural way.

In order to calm anxiety, the first thing you have to do is to understand what anxiety really is so that you are be able to control it. Anxiety is just a survival mechanism in situations that our brain perceives as dangerous. It isn’t harmful in itself, but it appears to “save” us from danger.

So the first and most important tip is to learn how to implement the control of anxiety. If we wait enough time, fear will finally disappear. The big mistake is leaving the situation and avoid it. Face it and take control over it!

1- Relax

We usually think that sitting on the couch to watch TV or using our phone helps us relieve stress. However this relaxed state is only temporary. What our body needs is relaxation techniques like deep breathing, yoga or tai chi, which produce physical effects on the mind.

2- Right interpretation

Get rid of negative thoughts and look at the bright side of things. Make an effort to go ahead and try to find the positive in every situation. Maybe you can’t choose what happens to you but you can choose how to react to it.

3- Rest

Sleeping the appropriate time is neccesary for our body and mind. Between 7 or 8 hours is suitable to recharge your energy for the next day. When you lie down, try not to watch television to get a good sleep.

4- Eat well

What we eat has a direct influence on our mood. Choose seasonal fruits and vegetables, whole grains that will provide you enough energy and avoid foods or drinks that can trigger stress, such as coffee or drinks with sugar. Remember that we are what we eat.

5- Socialize

Connect with people who appreciate us helps us feeling supported and secure. Spending time with family and friends sharing with them your concerns will help you feel understood and remind you that you are able to face your problems. Express how you feel often so you won’t accumulate tensions.

6- Activate yourself

Walking through the nature, riding a bike, painting, listening to music… Practice activities that make you happy. This will help you improve your mood and feel less anxious, as those are moments in which a person’s inner feels more favorable.

7- Live the present

Much of our anxieties come from worries about issues that we don’t know how are going to be resolved. Focus on the present and accept those things that are part of your day, changing what is in your hands. And don’t push yourself too hard, remember that nobody is perfect.

8- Move

Exercise helps reduce anxiety and promotes muscle relaxation. Make the activity that you like. If you are one of those who don’t like sports, you can dance, make new fitness activities or just walk. The important thing is to exercise regularly to oxygenate the cells of your body so your body and your brain will work perfectly.



We hope you liked these simple tips to calm anxiety. Introduce them into your daily routine and say goodbye to stress!


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