veggie hamburger

SHA Magazine Healthy Nutrition

Healthy hamburger recipe

SHA Wellness Clinic
February 19, 2015

Today’s healthy hamburger recipe is really popular among kids (and adults as well) because of the presentation. It is not complicated to prepare, the ingredients are easy to find and it’s just perfect for funny dinners.

You will need these ingredients for 3/4 people:

  • olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon of tahini
  • a peeled and chopped onion
  • 1 teaspoon mustard seeds
  • garlic clove peeled and chopped
  • 1 teaspoon mixed dried herbs
  • a clean, finely shredded carrot
  • sea salt and black pepper (freshly ground if possible)
  • few drops of shoyu (soy sauce)
  • a cup (200g) cooked legumes (can be chickpeas, beans, lentils …)
  • oil for frying (optional)


1. Heat some olive oil on a sauce pan and cook the onion for 5 minutes. Add garlic, carrot and shoyu before the onion is golden and cook for other 5 minutes.

2. Smash the cooked legumes until you get an homogeneous puree and add the cooked vegetables and the tahini, mustard sees, herbs and condiments. Mix all carefully. Then add 2 or 3 flour tablespoons one by one.

3. Put the mix on a bowl, cover it and put in on the fridge for half an hour. Then use the mix to make the hamburgers.

4. There are two options for cooking:

– Place the hamburgers on a plate with flour. Heat the oil and fry the hamburgers until they are gold, turning them off once. If they open, use some flour before frying them, but don not use too much heat so the flour doesn’t burn.

– Instead of frying them, you can put the hamburgers on a tray and bake them for 20 minutes on 350ºC.

5. Serve them on pita bread with green salad, coleslaw and pickles… Be creative!


You can try to use different vegetables on these healthy hamburgers: mushrooms, celery, red pepper… They taste delicious with sweet corn.

Source: Macrobiotics for beginners. Jon Sandifer, Founder of UK Macrobiotic Association.



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