Face Mapping: qué dice tu piel de tu salud

SHA Magazine Health & Beauty

Face Mapping: what your skin says about your health

SHA Wellness Clinic
November 2, 2016

The skin is the largest organ of the body as well as an elimination system. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), there is an ancient practice known as Face Mapping where the skin is seen as an indicator of one’s inner health. The face is divided into different areas and each section represents a certain organ or body part. Face mapping can be used as a guide to understand what problems areas each person has and how to improve them.

By reading the skin, you can get a deeper understanding of what imbalances you have in your body and what the root cause of your flare-ups and blemishes are. According to TCM, if something is affecting the skin, it can be a result of an internal imbalance. The common symptoms would be pimples, rashes or change in skin colour or tone. Any of these can signal an internal issue and by identifying it, you can work on improving it and eliminating the symptoms.

Face Mapping

Discover what your face says about your health!


The forehead is a reflection of the gallbladder and small intestine. Poor food choices, excess alcohol consumption and lack of sleep can affect this area of the face. It is also said that people who suffer intolerances, such as dairy intolerance, get several small little spots in this area. Avoid eating processed and fatty foods and opt for a diet rich in whole foods, fresh fruit and vegetables and drink water and exercise.

Between the eyebrows

If you get pimples in between your eyebrows, it can mean that your liver is over working itself as a result of eating too much dairy, meat and drinking alcohol. Reduce these from your diet and make sure to drink enough water, exercise, take walks in fresh air and meditate.


The eyes are a window to our inner health. A yellowish colour in the eye can indicate a weak liver, from a highly processed diet and excessive alcohol intake. A spotty iris can mean poor nutrient absorption in the intestine. A light ring around the iris can indicate a high consumption in sugar and salt; therefore reduce these from your diet.

Below the eyes

The under eyes are a reflection of kidney health. Having dark circles can indicate poor kidney function. Therefore, drink a lot of water and eat a diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables.


The nose is related to the circulatory system. If you get spots in this area, it could indicate that you have high blood pressure and a bad circulation. Make sure you drink enough water, exercise, eat healthy fats, and eat foods which help release toxins such as spirulina and chlorella. Garlic and cayenne pepper can also help maintain a healthy blood pressure.


The cheeks are a reflection of lung health. If you’re a smoker or live in a highly polluted area, this part of your skin will be affected. Make sure to do breathing exercises, get fresh air, exercise, drink a lot of water and herbal teas and eat a healthy diet.


The chin is linked to hormonal imbalances. Women will be more accustomed to breakouts in this area, especially before or during the menstrual cycle. Reduce stress, eat healthy foods, avoid sugar, alcohol, dairy and processed foods, practice exercise and spend time outdoors.


Now that you have a deeper understanding of face mapping, you can use it as a guide to improve your skin problems. By finding the root cause, you’ll be able to improve, if not eliminate the symptoms and boost your overall health!



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