beneficios del té matcha
Organic Green Matcha Tea in a Bowl

SHA Magazine Healthy Nutrition

Benefits of Matcha Tea

SHA Wellness Clinic
May 3, 2016

The tea ceremony in Japan is still an important tradition in the national culture. The attention to detail, the slowness of movements and the absolute serenity may impress anyone who has the opportunity to attend this event, which ends up with a matcha tea degustation. Nowadays, this tea goes out the peaceful Japanese houses to be drunk in the backstage of fashion catwalks and in the streets of every capital of the world. It has become a trendy drink that improves our health due to its incredible benefits.


A millenary drink

Japanese people have drunk matcha tea for centuries. At the beginning, it was reserved to the elite of the country: the Emperor and its entourage, samurais… but now, anybody can enjoy its benefits. The particularity of this tea is the powered texture it has. Also, longevity of the Japanese has been partly attributed to the regular consumption of matcha. Produced mainly in the Uji’s area, it comes from the leaves of green tea that grow up in the shadow and it is grounded in a traditional way.


Benefits of matcha tea

If you can see so many bloggers and models having a matcha tea, it is because this drink provides several benefits for the health and the beauty. It is really rich in chlorophyll, fiber, minerals and B2, C, D, and E vitamins.

Reduces stress. Matcha reduces cortisol, known as stress hormone, which boosts concentration and helps to practice meditation or mindfulness exercises.

Stimulates defences. As it is rich in minerals and vitamins, it gives strength against different pathogen agents.

Reduces cholesterol. It also reduces sugar level in blood.

Helps Fighting against cancer. Matcha contains a lot of EGCG that helps fighting against cancer.

Helps losing weight, since it boosts the consumption of bigger energy quantities. Moreover, it regulates appetite.

Anti aging. A glass of matcha contains the same quantity of antioxidants than 10 glasses of green tea.

Provides energy. It generates quiet alertness thanks to L-teanine, a kind of caffeine.


Many possible recipes

Matcha tea can be prepared in a thousand different ways. You can have it hot or cold, with soya, oat, coco milk, with cinnamon, juice, cardamom… Moreover, tea is not the only way to consume matcha. Its powder texture permits to include it in several sweet and salty recipes: cakes, ice creams, macarons, quiches, soups…


With so many possible ways to be consumed, you have all the opportunities to take advantage of the benefits of matcha tea and so, take care of your health!


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