Por qué la Meditación te ayuda a estar en forma

SHA Magazine Wellness & Relax

Why meditation helps you get into shape

SHA Wellness Clinic
March 16, 2017

When it comes to leading a healthy lifestyle, there tends to be a stronger focus on nutrition and exercise as a means to achieve our health and wellness goals. However, there’s a third pillar which works synergistically; a healthy mind. Nieves González Calderón, SHA Wellness Clinic’s Yoga and Meditation expert, reveals how meditation can play a crucial role in our health and wellbeing, helping us maintain a healthy physical state. As she points out, all our thoughts have an impact on our health, therefore, a healthy mind will work in our benefit.

Meditation is a millenary practice that can help us focus our mind towards the present, control our thoughts, reduce daily stress, boost our energy and rest better. It improves our attitude towards life and even towards ourselves. When our mind is in balance, we can live life with a positive and calm outlook.

One of the many benefits of meditation is that it can help us become more conscious of our feelings of hunger and satiety, as well as regulate the foods and quantity we eat, also known as Mindful Eating. In addition, it decreases the desire –sometimes hard to control- of unhealthy foods and compulsive eating to feel better emotionally. It also reduces cortisol levels, the stress hormone, and the abdominal fat it generates.

Thus, Nieves González Calderón emphasizes that meditation is a powerful tool to achieve our health and wellness goals, as well as all other aspects of our lives.


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