
SHA Magazine SHA Magazine

User guide for SHA Wellness Clinic new website

SHA Wellness Clinic
November 5, 2014

Our new web is not only an online reservation site. We’d like to invite you on this guide to get to know it deeply as well as understanding SHA method a bit better. Let’s start the tour!




You will find everything related to SHA’s location, where it is situated, the different areas of the CLINIC SPA and the different suites and restaurant. Everything is enlighted with pictures so you don’t miss any detail.


Thanks to this section you will undesrtand much better the SHA method. Get involved in its history, know the experts who work on it… let us teach you everything about what the SHA method can offer you.



Find here the best programme for you.


Don’t miss what’s going on in SHA. Keep updated about the Visiting Masters in SHA, the new products from our boutique and the current promotions.


You already know this section! We are inside it right now. It is our contents section where we try to approach part of the SHA method through healthy recipes, nutrition advice, way of life and relevant news. It is the best way of being updated…




For you to know where we are and contact us! From here, you will also be able to make your booking.


What’s your aim? Loosing weight? Quit smoking? Detox? Go to the point! We added a new browser so you can find exactly what you’re looking for.



If you’d like to receive our Newsletter, be updated of our Instagram routine or keep in touch on Twitter, don’t miss the last part of the web.


We hope you enjoyed the guided visit through our new web and as usual, please feel free to make any suggestions with your comments. Have a nice Wednesday!



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