
Tips for a stress-free Christmas

For SHA Wellness Clinic
December 5, 2017
Health & Beauty

Conceiçao Espada- Head of the Mind & Body unit

Conceiçao Espada, expert in Stress Management, shares her tips on how stay mind & body sane during Christmas!

"It’s important to stick to our meditation practice and not leave all the healthy habits we keep up with during the year and that help us feel more balanced and relaxed aside".

Christmas is a time that many people find stressful, the contrary to what the essence of this festivity represents, peace and love. We should actually take this time to celebrate, be in harmony and connect with our family and friends.

If you’re someone who finds this period stressful, you must remember what Christmas really represents and be present at all times to feel connected with yourself and not get caught up in a stressful rhythm.

On the one hand, we can choose to maintain a balanced and healthy diet, avoiding excesses. Cooking a healthy and delicious Christmas meal is much easier than we think. Just because it’s a period of celebrations, doesn’t mean we have to throw all our healthy habits out the window. On the contrary, we can use this as an opportunity to teach our loved ones a healthier way of eating.

During the holidays, it’s important to stick to our meditation practice and not leave all the healthy habits we keep up with during the year and that help us feel more balanced and relaxed aside. In these stressful periods, we have to also prioritise quality sleep, as it will bring our stress levels down and help us feel more energised.

Many times, what causes stress in the first place, is this idea that we have so many things to do, in very little time. However, we don’t have to do everything at once, as this will only cause more stress. Instead, we should choose what has more priority and do each thing with calmness. This way, it won’t feel like we have a mountain of things to do!

The holidays don’t have to be a stressful period, if we simply focus on its true essence, and enjoy them with patience and calmness. It’s a moment to enjoy the traditions and feel the Christmas spirit. Take advantage of this special time of year to recharge your energy and focus on the things that matter most!


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