El deporte del verano: Aqua Fitness

SHA Magazine Fitness

The perfect summer sport: Aqua Fitness

SHA Wellness Clinic
July 29, 2016

In summer, we tend to feel less motivated to work out because of the high temperatures and all the social activities that fill our agenda. But, what many of us don’t realize is that summer is the perfect time to practice one of the most beneficial sports for our body and health, and one that is very enjoyable and easy to fit into our daily habits. Today, we’re talking about aqua fitness or water aerobics.

Having access to a pool or the sea is a great way to practice water activities in summer. Aqua fitness is an easy way to burn calories and do physical effort without noticing the heat. Additionally, water exercises allow us to perform multiple movements with greater range and freedom of action. .

Water offers a safe environment where you can perform a variety of water exercises without stress on the joints and, depending on the intensity of the movements; you can strengthen your muscles or activate your cardiovascular system. Water is one of the ultimate therapeutic elements and we can integrate some floating objects to complete the exercises (tables, fins, weights…).

As our personal trainer Luciana Colombo says, swimming is one of the most complete sports there are and, by performing water fitness exercises, we work all our overall body and we get to burn calories without sweating (actually our body sweats, but we do not notice).

Aqua fitness can be performed in the swimming pool and also in the sea, if it is not too deep. In addition, we can take advantage of waves and sea currents to work upstream and make the exercises harder.

The main benefits of exercise in water are:

  • Water exercises increase muscle strength and reduce the likelihood of falls and injuries, especially in joints.
  • Water resistance minimizes the impact of the jumps and prevents sudden movements so it is very good for people with joint injuries who cannot do other type of exercises. For example, aquatic exercises are very useful for people with knee problems.
  • Aqua fitness tones muscles without increasing muscle mass and also helps to relax, thanks to the massage the water exerts on the body, getting strong legs and tighten your belly and reducing the fat stored in these areas of the body.
  • Water exercises strengthen the bones and joints and helps prevent diseases such as osteoporosis.
  • Aqua fitness activates blood circulation, helps you breathe better and contributes to postural reeducation.
  • In the water, the weight of our body decreases between 80 and 90 percent, which enables us any movement. Therefore, water exercises are highly recommended for pregnant and overweight people, as in water they move more easily and feel more agile and flexible. However, it is best that the water exercises for pregnant women are fully customized.

Need more reasons to practice exercise in water?

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