
SHA Magazine Health & Beauty

Quit smoking with laser therapy: wellness treatment

SHA Wellness Clinic
June 14, 2017

The figures don’t lie: around 30% of the adult population in our country smokes. According to a recent report published by the Ministry of Health, tobacco kills more than 50,000 people in Spain every year.If you are a smoker and you feel that now is the time to quit, pay attention: there is a new smoking cessation therapy that combines the wisdom of traditional Chinese acupuncture with diode laser therapy.Learn everything you need to know.Would you like to join us?

How does laser smoking cessation therapy work?

Laser smoking cessation treatment neutralises the symptoms of abstinence (anxiety, irritability, sleeping disorders, and appetite) provoking a biochemical reaction in the brain that releases a level of endorphins that is greater than that caused by smoking.

You will feel relaxed and your desire to smoke will disappear, or at least be greatly reduced.With a 90% success rate, this smoking cessation therapy uses laser treatment on 28 vital points: the energy meridians located all over the body, linked with stress, addiction and metabolism.

This photo-stimulation has a positive effect on the digestive system, sleep and anxiety.After completing the first session, you will feel hungry.

Is one session enough?

Factors such as persistence and frequency of your smoking habit will influence whether or not you need a second reinforcement session.In a high percentage of cases, one session is sufficient to free you from the harmful effects of tobacco toxins.

The general guidelines for quitting smoking with cold laser therapy begin with a discussion about healthy lifestyle habits, which helps to strengthen your real interest in giving up smoking.You must stop smoking for at least three weeks before coming to the consultation.

After this phase, you will undergo low-power diode laser treatment, similar to that used for pain relief in arthritis. If required, after eight days you may have second and final treatment, which is shorter than the first session.

Why choose this treatment to stop smoking?

Unlike many traditional smoking cessation methods, this type of laser acupuncture does not require any medication, thereby avoiding any negative side effects (suicidal thoughts, paranoia, etc.).

It is fast, effective and painless.The health benefits of a smoke-free life are endless:

– Improves blood pressure and heart rate, and reduces the risk of heart attack.

– Blood oxygen saturation levels and circulation return to normal.

– Recover your sense of smell and taste.

– Feel less tired.

– Lungs and nerve endings start to regenerate immediately.

Despite having no side effects, there are a number of contraindications:

– Smokers with little desire to quit.

– Alcoholics.

– Those diagnosed with depression.

– Chemotherapy or radiotherapy patients.

– Those with epilepsy.

– Pregnant women.

Over 80% of smokers who want to quit manage to do so.If you have made your mind up to quit, this therapy offers a holistic and safe way to help you start a new, smoke-free life.Are you up for the challenge?


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