
SHA Magazine Healthy Nutrition

Properties and benefits of Ginseng

SHA Wellness Clinic
December 28, 2015

Ginseng is a herbaceous plant from Manchuria and Korea. It has woody roots, leaves divided into five leaflets, small flowers clustered in tight branched inflorescences and scarlet berry fruit with five seeds.

Although what is really interesting about this plant is its root, which extract has an invigorating physiological action, weakly relaxant and aphrodisiac. For centuries, the properties and benefits of ginseng have been used in Asian countries, especially in China, for medicinal purposes.
But not all species of ginseng are equal. There are some singularities that differentiate Korean ginseng or red ginseng from the American ginseng. The first is “yang”, which means that it has a stimulating effect on the body, while the second is “yin” presenting a largely sedative and relaxing effect.

Properties and benefits of Ginseng

  • Ginseng brings sense of vitality, so that helps improve physical and mental work performance.
  • Ginseng improves concentration and reflexes.
  • Ginseng is a powerful antioxidant that helps fight the formation of free radicals responsible for cellular aging.
  • Ginseng may increase resistance to stress.
  • Ginseng helps regulate high cholesterol and improve their levels.
  • Ginseng benefits organs like the heart, lungs and liver.
  • Ginseng helps strengthen the immune system, raising our defenses and helping in preventing diseases.
  • Ginseng improves good mood.


properties of ginseng

Ginseng may be interesting to complement a balanced diet in the form of teas, pills and supplements, candies etc. However, it is important to understand that nothing is good in excess. In fact this herb taken excessively can cause insomnia, anxiety and nervousness, due to its energizing properties.

There are also certain people, such as those who suffer insomnia, pregnant or nursing women, infants and children or people who suffer migraines or headaches, that should not consume ginseng at all. People with more complex or autoimmune diseases should consult their doctor.

Now that you know the properties and benefits of ginseng, you can include it as part of your healthy diet and start enjoying what it can bring to your health!


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