genetica preventiva

SHA Magazine Health & Beauty

Prevention genetics at SHA Wellness Clinic

SHA Wellness Clinic
April 13, 2015

Prevention Genetics at SHA Wellness Clinic is part of a branch of preventive medicine aimed to prevent usual diseases that can be avoided or even postponed, following long-term recommendations.

Most of times we tend to recommend tests related to the patient’s medical history, analysing family and personal history as well as the current way of life. Our objective is to recommend tests that provide the patient a long-term, personalized benefit.

We also prioritize on the patient’s interest in terms of giving information on what are those tests about and what be achieved by following the instructions given.

We count on a wide and interesting range of tests that, in my opinion, provide easy to accept information and applicable instructions for everyday life.



Frequently patients say they follow an average diet but present high levels of cholesterol. These are the cases when a Lipidgen study is recommended. The risk of suffering atherosclerosis is then analysed. It’s examined whether familial hypercholesterolemia is suffered, a common disease in the Mediterranean, which is important to try with enough time if possible. This study also analyses the metabolism of LDL (bad cholesterol) and HDL (good cholesterol) and which type of treatment suits better depending on what genetics indicate.



Studies the Hepatic metabolism on the biochemical level. There are patients who should never be exposed to certain products or should never smoke. Some other patients tend to accumulate heavy metals, which are carcinogenic, and sometimes the risk of developing different types of cancer is foreseen.



The test evaluates the aging process and what can be done to revert or stop it. The aging that cannot be seen, but how is the health of our cells inside the organism.
The telomere length is a very interesting criterion because apart from linking chronological age with genetic age, it also provides information about good or bad running of different systems in the organism, such as cardiovascular and immune system.

Depending on the result of the test, some recommendations are given about changes of lifestyle and supplements to have.


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