
SHA Magazine Health & Beauty

Pranayama: control of breathing

SHA Wellness Clinic
July 24, 2018

According to the Yogis, the mind and breath are interrelated. Therefore, the best way to relax the body and mind, is to take control of your breath. However, it is not an easy task since we do not usually pay attention to the way we breathe.

What is pranayama?

Prana means energy. Prana is universal and is the axis of life. In classical yoga texts, it is said that when breathing is calm, prana is calm. There are many people who breathe incorrectly without being aware that the quality of breathing indirectly affects the quality of life. Pranayama helps you control and balance your breathing in order to improve your health.

There are three types of pranayama according to the type of breathing:

  1. Abdominal breathing: You should keep your abdominal muscles relaxed and inhale and exhale air through your nose at all times. If you prefer, you can place a hand on your stomach to feel the movement.
  2. Thoracic breathing: With this type of breathing an expansion of the thoracic cage takes place. You must tighten your abdominals and breathe. By doing this you provoke tension in the abs, preventing the belly from expanding, and therefore, the thorax swells.
  3. Clavicular breathing: This type of breathing is produced by filling the upper part of the lungs with air. You should lift the clavicles when you breathe in, trying not to move your shoulders.

If we perform these three types of breathing together, we will be performing a complete breath, which is how pranayama is achieved. The correct way to achieve this type of breathing is to first start with abdominal breathing, followed by the thoracic and finally the clavicular. This way you will get the lungs to work at their maximum capacity.

What are the benefits?

Regulate the respiratory and cardiac frequency

Regulate blood pressure

Reduce stress

Remove toxins from the body

-Improvedigestionand increase immunity

Regulate and improve your mood


Pranayama has different types of exercises such as Ujjayi, Kapalabhati, Sithali, etc. All of these can be performed in any stable sitting position that allows you to keep your back straight. At the beginning, it is recommended to practice pranayama with the help of a teacher to perform the technique correctly and thus, obtain the maximum benefits for your body and mind.


Do not underestimate the benefits of pranayama and learn to control your breath and improve your health!


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