detox tras las vacaciones

SHA Magazine Health & Beauty

Post-holiday detox: 8 healthy tips

SHA Wellness Clinic
August 31, 2015

The schedule modifications, traveling to other countries, meetings with friends, ice creams, beers, snacks and naps after lunch, have probably left us a few extra kilos, and the feeling that we ruined the result of many months bringing a healthy lifestyle.


After the excesses of summer we have to restart the healthy habits. Coming back to the routine responsibilities, waking up early, and coming back to school aren’t easy duties! That’s why we offer 8 simple tips and recommendations to recover your healthy body and habits. Don’t miss them out!


  1. Substitute stimulating drinks as coffee for infusions and tea and replace sugar and refined sweets by whole grains that provide energy for longer hours.
  2. Increase the consumption of vegetables and legumes. Prepare them cooked, raw, in salads or as panache. They are perfect because they provide potassium and fiber.
  3. Incorporate antioxidant foods. Sun exposure is stronger during summer, which increases the production of free radicals and the risk of photo aging, so it’s important to incorporate antioxidant foods to our diet: avocados, carrots, berries (blueberries, strawberries, blackberries), watermelon, extra virgin olive oil, celery and citrus (orange, lemon, grapefruit).
  4. Detoxify. Apart from a good diet to cleanse your body of impurities and toxins accumulated during the summer, at SHA we offer new techniques and therapies that will help you recover wellness. One of them is cryotherapy, an effective technique that activates the body’s natural defenses by exposing to cold temperatures for a limited period of 1-3 minutes. Take the opportunity to try it with the most innovative therapies and recover from the excesses at SHA taking advantage of this promotion specially designed to detox.
  5. Hydrate. Sometimes you think you are hungry when in fact you are thirsty. Drink plenty of water, teas, organic juices without sugar, soups, etc. You’ll eliminate toxins easily getting the necessary levels of vitamins and minerals.
  6. Nutritional supplements. Sometimes, and even more after summer holidays, it’s important to include some nutritional supplements along with a balanced diet to help you to strengthen the immune system, lose weight and optimize health.
  7. Moderate exercise. One of the main causes of weight gain in summer is the drop of physical activity. It’s neccesary to start making a daily routine of at least 30 minutes of exercise. Take advantage of nice weather for walks, riding a bike, skating and swimming. Remember, Rome was not built in a day and any exercise counts. Changing habits like forgetting to take public transportation or taking the elevator can be a good start.
  8. Pamper yourself. To complete the detox operation after holidays, you can choose one of our detox, fitness or weight loss programs: you will recover your health status, restoring and enhancing the vitality of your body.



Now you know these simple tips, we encourage you to start your post-holiday detox and recover your energy to get ready for autumn!




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