
Avoid getting sick with these natural antibiotics!

For SHA Wellness Clinic
September 14, 2017
Natural Therapies

Who hasn’t gotten the typical flu when the season changes? Traditional Chinese Medicine recommends adapting our diet to each season to strengthen the immune system and avoid getting sick. Ideally, at this time of year, as we transition from summer to autumn, we should adopt a few changes into our routine to make sure we’re in tip top shape, health-wise.

Nonetheless, we can all fall victim of catching a flu in times of stress or when we’ve fallen off the bandwagon, and this is when reaching out for medications and antibiotics becomes a norm. However, we don’t always need to rely on chemical based medications that might treat the symptoms, but on the other hand, are hazardous for other organs, like our digestive system.

Instead, we can turn towards what we like to call natural antibiotics to either prevent or cure your symptoms. In no way are they the pharmacy bought antibiotics; rather, they are foods that have natural antibiotic and antiviral properties. Therefore, they’re a great and healthy alternative that you can have at any time of year and as many times as you like, as they won’t cause side effects.

These are some of the foods that have the strongest antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antibiotic effects on our body.

Ideally, you should include some of these natural antibiotics into your daily diet to avoid getting sick, however, if you feel any flu symptoms coming up, make sure to up your intake!



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