
SHA Magazine Healthy Nutrition

Miso Soup Recipe

SHA Wellness Clinic
March 30, 2020

Miso contains nutrients that may help your immune system function optimally, that’s why we recommend you to eat miso soup and, if possible, to include it in your everyday diet.

You will need:

– Half a garlic clove

– Half a carrot

– One quarter of a daikon turnip

– Half a leek

– 3 dehydrated shitake mushrooms

– 1 litre of filtered or mineral water

– 2 lemon slices

– 2 tablespoons of Genmai Miso

– Fresh herbs such as coriander or parsley

To cook, follow the next steps:

1. Slice the vegetables.

how to cook miso soup
2. Sauté with olive oil.

how to cook miso soup
3. Add water and cook for 20 minutes over low heat.

how to cook miso soup
4. Turn off the fire and add the miso previously dissolved with water inside the soup, rest for 5 min.

how to cook miso soup
5. Serve with a lemon slice and fresh herbs (coriander, parsley)

how to cook miso soup


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