
SHA Magazine Health & Beauty

Mental Health: Much More Than the Absence of Mental Disorders

SHA Wellness Clinic
April 5, 2022
Learning to manage negative emotions is fundamental to achieve the desired state of physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing.

We live in turbulent times. Over the last two years we have faced, and continue to face, unusual global circumstances (lockdown, war, social unrest), which are causing an increase in mental disorders. For Cinthya Molina, one of the psychologists at SHA Wellness Clinic, ‘the pandemic has been very shocking because we have never experienced a similar situation. This has caused the most emotionally vulnerable people, or those with obsessive or paranoid tendencies, to develop certain psychological symptoms, such as anxiety, depression or eating disorders’.

It is therefore not surprising that social debate is currently focused on the importance of taking care of mental health. However, what exactly is mental health? As Cinthya tells us, ‘The World Health Organisation defines mental health as not just the absence of mental disorders, but as a complete and balanced state of physical, mental, and social (and I add spiritual) well-being, in which each individual can develop their full capacities, cope with the normal stresses of life, work productively and contribute to the community. In short, it implies a positive sense that combines individual well-being with functioning in society because, let’s not forget, human beings are social beings’.

Faced with such an unstable general outlook, it is normal to feel fear, stress, or uncertainty. However, it is important to know that these emotions, although negative, are part of life and that the important thing is to learn to manage them correctly. However, the expert warns that ‘mental illnesses have always existed. The difference is that now we are more aware of them and talk about them more naturally, without the prejudices of the past. For example, it seems that nowadays most children suffer from attention deficit or hyperactivity disorder, but the truth is that this is nothing new. It’s just that it used to go undiagnosed and, when school failure was detected, it didn’t go to the source. The good news is that we are increasingly aware that the body and mind are linked and that, in order to enjoy a state of complete well-being, it is essential to take into account both physical and mental health. Society’s awareness of the importance of mental health care is a very positive development and the first step towards addressing the emotional challenges we face and finding the most appropriate treatments,’ concludes Cinthya.

If you want to know more about how to take care of your mental health, Click here


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