hair loss causes and recommendations

SHA Magazine Health & Beauty


SHA Wellness Clinic
June 22, 2015


Hair loss is a determining issue in people’s appearance. That’s the reason why it’s important to keep it healthy. It’s something that worries both women and men equally. We present some of the most popular hair loss causes and some tips to prevent it.


  • Emotional Stress – Physical and emotional stress is one of the most frequent causes of hair loss nowadays. This type of loss is known as “telogen effluvium” and it’s characterized by hair loss after brushing. It’s usually temporary but it can be extended.
  • Extreme diets – Some diets with a lack of nutrients bring imbalance to the body causing hair loss, and sometimes also anaemia and body damages.
  • Medicines – Consumption of medicines as contraceptive pills, antidepressants and anti-inflammatories can cause hair loss in many people.
  • Diseases – Many diseases as fiber, thyroid disease, syphilis, lupus and vascular diseases cause hair loss. Although this is temporary and hair recovers when the body is healthy again.
  • Low iron level – Iron deficiency can also cause hair loss. Many people have a lack of iron level or their body can’t assimilate it well. Women with a heavy menstrual period usually have a lack of iron levels. This can be fixed eating foods rich in iron as spinach, broccoli, cereals or throughout iron pills.
  • Chemotherapy or radiations – Many treatments against cancer weaken the hair. This is usual during the treatment or between one and three weeks after it. Once it’s finished, hair recovers and grows back.
  • HeritageHereditary factors are one of the major causes for baldness. It’s really usual in men. In fact, 5 of 10 men (over 40) suffer alopecia.
  • Bad diet – Due to the fast peace of life many people eat foods rich in sugars that have high levels of glycaemic (bad carbohydrates). A bad diet with a lack of vitamins and nutrients can cause hair loss too.
  • Childbirth – After childbirth the estrogen levels drop and make hair weaken so the loss is usual. This can last until six months.
  • Other causes: excessive shampoo, hair dryer, straightener and hair dyes.


We present some useful tips to keep a strong, healthy and full of vitality hair:

  • Avoid washing your hair every day, and if so, use a suitable shampoo according to your kind of hair with quality hair products.
  • Use hair dryer and straightener as little as possible.
  • Be careful with your diet. The consumption of fruits and vegetables is essential for the strengthening of your hair due to the high content of vitamins and minerals.
  • Use products to protect your hair before sun exposure and try to avoid dyes and aggressive products that contain ammonia.
  • Its recommended to get dietary supplements to help you replace the lack of nutrients that your body needs.
  • There exist personalized hair treatments that can help you to discover where the problem comes from. You can check which one suits you best.

Now you know these tips, it’s time to practice and show a healthy and vibrant hair!


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