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SHA Magazine Fitness

Get Fit and Increase Your Energy

SHA Wellness Clinic
December 11, 2019

Winter is coming and the days are shorter, darker and more muted. This tends to affect our mood and is often reflected with a drop in energy levels that can interfere with healthy routines.

The solution is to focus on activities that naturally stimulate stamina. By this we mean a good routine of physical exercise, music and meditation to balance the body and mind.

But what is stamina? It is the ability to sustain a physical and mental effort over a long period of time. For example, at the gym it’s best to focus on lifting less weight and more repetitions and shortening the recovery time to 30 seconds between sets.

Try to alternate intervals of intensity while biking, running or practising other sports such as rowing while listening closely to your body and understanding what you’re feeling. The goal is to feel that something takes work but is still enjoyable. The important thing is to want to increase the energy you need and that your body demands.

In addition, try to exercise outdoors at least 5 hours a month. Contact with nature is essential to reconnect and produce natural endorphins.


It’s time to exercise your body and increase your energy!


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