
SHA Magazine Fitness

Fitness Programme

SHA Wellness Clinic
May 7, 2019

Regardless of your age, weight, physical condition or general state of health, you can attain your physical fitness objective with our personalised Fitness programme and the advice and the help of our team of personal trainers and doctors.


  • Achieve optimum physical condition, increase muscle tone and power, as well as improve joint function.
  • Increase the general level of physical activity, acquire knowledge and skills to create personal training habits and maintain physical conditioning once the stay at SHA has come to an end.
  • Learn new healthy eating habits in order to optimise the general state of health and wellness.


Minimum 7 days I Recommended 14 days.

Recommended for:

  • People with a low level of physical activity who want to improve their general condition.
  • Sedentary people looking to improve muscle tone.
  • People who may not be overweight but who want to recover their ideal level of physical fitness.
  • People who do regular physical activity and who want to improve,.perfect or learn new training techniques.
  • People who because of work or unhealthy habits have neglected their ideal posture and want to recover it, or who are looking to relieve muscle cramps, relax and stretch their muscles after pro- longed bouts of stress.


  • Intensive physical exercise with personalised training, combining the latest technology, posture training, outdoor functional training and classic training.
  • A nutrition plan adapted to the needs of the individual and a personally-tailored health plan
  • Strict control of weight and physical makeup to achieve the fitness goal. A range of natural therapies, including osteopathy and physiotherapy, plus technological treatments focused on achieving the desired goal.
  • Recommendations and activities to encourage the individual to learn new habits for a healthier lifestyle.


To see the full programme content, click here.


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