
SHA Magazine Healthy Nutrition

Discover how to detoxify your body with the detox diet

SHA Wellness Clinic
July 11, 2017

Discover the habits necessary to eliminate toxins from your body.

Lately there has been much talking about how to detoxify the body; although more people are adopting a healthier lifestyle, there are still many questions about how to detoxify the body in a correct and effective way.

To begin, we must know that it is best to start with a diet to detoxify the body; this includes a series of habits that are necessary to incorporate into our routine and that will gradually help us feel better and more energetic.

However, the most important thing, first of all, is to be aware of the improvement to our health that will result from changing our habits and incorporating detox habits, because only in this way will we feel the motivation necessary to make the change.

Once we have the enthusiasm, the motivation and the desire, we will begin to create our new list of habits. Here are the most important ones:

1- Knowing that they will need time to carry out this daily practice, many people feel lost at this point and from here we want to encourage you not to give up before you start, because you only have to make some small changes to begin to see results.

Don’t use the excuse of a lack of time. Start waking up a little earlier in the morning or changing some parts of your routine; you are sure to find the best way to accomplish your goal. Remember the reason you started.

2- To eliminate toxins you must incorporate daily exercise into your routine, at least 30 minutes of exercise outdoors, if possible. This activity will help you release those toxins accumulated in your body, thanks to the stimuli they give to your immune, circulatory and lymphatic systems, plus many other benefits.

You will feel better and more energetic.

3- Include in the diet to detoxify the body a change in the food you eat, to know which foods will help you cleanse your body and which are the ones that harm it.

7 foods to incorporate immediately

1- Lemons: help you maintain a healthy pH level by eliminating bacteria and toxins from your body.

2- Artichokes: will help you to cleanse the liver.

3 – Flaxseed: its Omega 3 content will contribute to the regeneration of cells and help eliminate everything you do not need. Take two tablespoons each day and you will see the results.

4- Kale: rich in vitamins A, B6, C and K, and in potassium and calcium, which helps balance the PH of the body.

5- White tea, fights against free radicals and lowers bad cholesterol in the blood.

6- Pomegranate, rich in iron and folic acid, which improve the appearance of your skin.

Foods that you must eliminate immediately

1- Dairy products.

2- Eggs.

3- Products with trans fats.

4- Any drink containing alcohol.

With this information you know how to detoxify the body, and the importance it has, so you just have to get down to work and start as soon as possible. You will most certainly start to see the results quickly.


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