Detox diet for liver care
Detox diet for liver care

SHA Magazine SHA Magazine

Detox diet for liver care

SHA Wellness Clinic
January 23, 2014

Nutritional tips to detoxify the liver

detox diet for liver care

The importance of the liver

Liver disease (diseases affecting the liver) are an increasingly common problem in our society and traditionally considered eastern medicine the liver as one of the most important organs of our body because the liver is directly related to our immune system.

The liver and food

The best way to protect the liver is taking care of our food. Everything we eat must be refined and detoxified by the liver, so we must pay special attention to our diet to maintain a healthy liver and avoid common liver problems. Healthy nutrition ensures better functioning of this body and prevents diseases like hepatitis.

The best foods for liver health
  • Barley: ideally combined with regular whole grains like rice, wheat , oats, millet or quinoa. It can be done even an infusion of barley grain to relieve ailments and help cleanse the liver.
  • Detox Vegetables: The slightly bitter greens help debug: artichokes, radishes, celery, turnips, endive, escarole, watercress, parsley, mushrooms, nettles, dandelion…
  • Acidic foods: fruits with acid fruits like berries or green apple also help purify the liver. The apple and carrot smoothies or carrot and celery are highly recommended to improve the functioning of the liver, especially if taken in the morning.
  • Seaweed: It is beneficial to include seaweed in our diet, especially the soft such as wakame or arame.
  • Seeds: use sesame and pumpkin seeds on our plates and avoid sunflower seeds by having too much oil.
  • Condiments: seasoning acid taste like umeboshi paste or rice vinegar also help cool the body and cleanse the liver.
  • Pickles: to avoid liver problems, it is strongly recommended to take a daily spoonful of sauerkraut.

The most recommended way for cooking these foods are steamed, blanched in warm salads, etc… and always trying to use little or no oil.

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