
SHA Magazine Natural Therapies

Body wraps

SHA Wellness Clinic
April 8, 2014

Body wraps for toning, improving stretch marks, cellulite and tired legs.

Body wraps is not a new concept, in fact it dates back to the Egyptians times. Thus it is a technique with several thousand years of history. Body wraps is a highly specialized technique that involves wrapping the body with bandages for healing, conservation or aesthetic goals.

Body wraps can be used alone or in conjunction with other treatments. Of course if we combine it with other treatments, a synergy from both treatments will be created, achieving better results. One of the treatments that combine perfectly with body wraps is pressotherapy. If you don’t know what pressotherapy is, visit our post, where we talk in detail about it.

Pressotherapy will activate our body’s circulatory system throughout the lower trunk and abdomen, mobilizing fats, liquids and activating the lymphatic system. This will facilitate and contribute to the effects of the body wraps.


How do body wraps work?

Body wraps work by activating the circulation of specific body areas, helping the body to eliminate fluids and fats. Body wraps are applied with specific creams and gels depending on the client’s objectives. Body wraps are at a temperature below than our body temperature. The decrease in local temperature accelerates the metabolic activity in our body, burning more calories (since our body will burn more calories in order to increase the body´s temperature) reducing fat mass in the areas where the body wraps are applied.


Treatment types
  • Anti-cellulite
  • Improving stretch Marks
  • Toning
  • Tired Legs
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