
SHA Magazine Health & Beauty

Anti-Tobacco Programme

SHA Wellness Clinic
June 4, 2019

Smoking is a definite cause of different types of cancer, cardiovascular and chronic pulmonary diseases. The SHA Anti-tobacco Programme involves finding out about the addiction profile of each guest beforehand and then working on the physical and mental conditioning factors in a personalised way.


  • To encourage the motivation to tackle tobacco addiction in order to stop consuming it in a natural, healthy and controlled way, restoring correct body function and preventing possible side effects caused by abstinence, such as weight fluctuation and mood swings.
  • To develop strategies adapted to patients’ physical and mental states, in order to learn healthy habits that enable them to strengthen their resolve to quit smoking and so prevent possible relapses.



Recommended: 7 days.


Recommended for:

  • Individuals who want to stop smoking and not only improve their state of health but also make substantial lifestyle changes at all levels: physical, mental and nutritional.



  • Detailed study of the patient’s addiction profile, their lung capacity and nicotine levels in the body.
  • A personalised nutrition plan and health plan based on the needs of the individual.
  • Control and monitoring of the individual’s weight and physical makeup.
  • More than 10 natural therapies and technological treatments focused on tobacco addition.
  • Psychological support and specific techniques for preventing relapses.
  • Treatments favouring the elimination of toxins from the body.
  • Recommendations and activities to encourage the individual to learn new habits for a healthier lifestyle.


To see the full programme content, click here.


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